To be autistic is no spectrum

Olivier B. EC
2 min readJul 2, 2022
Photo credit: Francisco Emilio Diaz from Pexels

The definition of a spectrum is “the distance or extent between possible extremes”. To qualify someone autistic as being on the spectrum means harm. There won’t be any rainbow that will appear after the hashtag #spectrum. @soundcube talked about it recently:

Because since the time the psychiatric corporation worked with the nazis, nothing has changed.
We still don’t need to discriminate against autistic people to separate the wheat from the chaff. We need support. Sometimes much more than most of us are refused in this post-capitalistic transition: a peace, quiet and friendly zone.

I can already hear parents complain about their “pesky” child. But unless you live in a neomedieval country, if you are lucky enough not to have been coerced into sterilisation, parenting is a choice.

Now, if you still believe there is a spectrum, read this from @AutSciPerson:

It is the hyperreactivity of autistic adults and there is compelling evidence that there is no nuance. We are all affected.

I don’t want to be medically labelled with a condition/disorder, but to be supported. Because so far, most autism scientists are looking for a division. And they miss the fundamental element, support.

For autistic people who need more support, here is a thread:

You can even find podcasts from johnnyprofane1 about #AutisticJoy, because an amount of support we need is to understand what brings us joy, or sadness.

And for this support we all deserve, just read any “true” socialist or progressive manifesto, that talks about universal health care, universal minimal income, mitigating any pandemic or epidemic, inclusive interviews, a fully inclusive workplace, disabled people; because most of us have associated health conditions.
And unconditionally there should be the keyword “intersectionality”. Because we are interdependent, even from the nature; with food, water, shelter, medicine, cultures, well-being and… plagues.

Otherwise it is gaslighting. If you want to read more about social justice and “krapitalism”, then follow our bard @FalSkyWolf

And thanks to (no) #COVID19 policies, if you want to stay away of #LongCovid or even alive, follow these people, a thread from Kim Crawley:

The overall of this blog sounds politicised and I would say that yes, most of us are closer to being a new poor, when we are not, than to plundering the last resources of our planet to go to Mars. So we are all capybaras/carpinchos or racoons, like Kammille.



Olivier B. EC

believes in the healing power of intersectionality. Biologist & éco-conseiller. Takiwātanga, Franco-Argentine living in Abya Yala, Argentina, Buenos Aires.